Kevin M. Doolan didn’t set out to be a photographer, but was a storyteller in search of a suitable medium. Raised by an actor before training as a lawyer while harboring the heart of a writer, he’d spent an uncommon life observing the human condition from myriad angles...and aspired to convey them all.
Actors explore truth from the perspective of its players.
Lawyers question truth beyond what they are shown.
Writers translate truth to an audience in absentia.
Combining these disciplines within a single (tortured?) mind supplies a layered, multi-faceted take on the world that Mr. Doolan wished to express...but found words alone to be lacking.
Then he fell into street photography.
It started as an exercise to preserve the fleeting encounters he was trying to describe, but evolved into the very means he felt best-suited to depict them. Capturing images that placed viewers in his shoes — and head — left latitude for independent interpretation; sharing experiences without dictating them.
This was Urban Storytelling.
He hadn’t invented the form, but his self-taught approach produced a signature style: honest, cinematic images that were more participatory than voyeuristic. Intimate positioning and bold framing render every shot a mise-en-scène, accompanied by words that illuminate while whispering only one of infinite possible translations.
Mr. Doolan doesn't exploit reality to impose his own philosophy, but distills empathy, contemplation, and identification from true quotidian moments. Beyond the joy of observing these fleeting flashes of grace, the deeper aim is opening eyes to the beauty and latent wisdom all around us; reminding us that “art” is not conjured or controlled by an exclusive class but is found in the everyday...reminding us that Life Is Art.
Kevin M. Doolan is an American by citizenship and flâneur by spirit. His own urban story commenced where the birth canal met New York City and progressed through university in Atlanta, law school in Chicago and residential stints in Slovakia, Hungary, France and even 4 surreal months in the Palm Beach Ritz Carlton. He now divides his time primarily between Paris and Chicago.
After years in the legal field satisfying financial obligations and ostensibly conforming to the “normal” world, he left for more creative pastures and now concentrates on images, words, and graphic designs.
His street photography has generated a robust following on Instagram (@midlifeinparis), been featured in several publications, and graced galleries/walls from Chicago cafés to the world famous Folies Bergère theater in Paris.
Despite the self-serious nature of the description (and photo) above, he’s actually a pretty goofy guy who rarely travels without his teddy bear, Butkus (don’t judge...too harshly). Feel free to reach out with feedback, insight, collaborations, commissions, or inquiries via
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